Chocolate Raspberry Chia Pudding for Antioxidants and Magnesium #Pudding
#Pudding | Chocolate + Raspberry Chia Pudding AMAZING way to get your nutrition + makes a super FAST and yummy breakfast!❤Makes 2 servings Ingredients: 1 1/2 cup milk (any dairy-free version will work - I used coconut milk) 1/3 cup chia seeds 2 1/2 Tbsp organic unsweetened cocoa powder 2-4 Tbsp raw honey... to Continue Reading...... Honey Caramelized Brussel Sprouts #BrusselSprouts | With a sweet and tangy sauce, these honey caramelized brussel sprouts are an easy gluten-free vegetable side dish recipe. read more... New study of human brain tissue suggests clinical depression reduces the quantity of astrocyte cells in key regions #Depression | New research indicates that astrocytes, star-shaped cells that support the function of neurons in the brain, play a key role in depression. The findings, ... read more... Pesticides Threaten the Foundations of the Web of Life New Soil Study Warns #Life | By Jessica CorbettA study published Tuesday in the...